Tuesday, February 6, 2024

It's Still Early in 2024, But We Already Have A Strong Contender For Worst Song Of The Year

Taylor Swift made history at the 2024 Grammies, winning Album Of The Year for an unprecedented fourth time, making her the only person ever to do this. Of course this raised the ire of the MAGA right, who have spent the last couple of months inventing ridiculous conspiracy theories (The Chiefs are in the Superbowl because of government psyops- nothing to do with the fact that they are a very good team with excellent players who have been in 3 of the last 4 Super Bowls; Taylor and Kelse are only together so they can back Biden and ensure his reelection; never mind that they are both independent autonomous humans capable of making their own choices)

If you're angry at Tay-Tay because she is a selfmade millionaire who isn't particularly interested in bending her craft to adapt to the wishes of ancient decrepit politicians, have I got a song for you, buddy!

Tom McDonald, so-called MAGA rapper, has a current hit called "Facts" (these are the people that invented "alternative facts", remember) which is an angry rant with the depth of a Trump Truth Social post, trotting out the old list of right-wing grievances (BLM, "wokeness", LBGTQ, gender fluidity, and guns (more specifically the danger of not loving guns enough.) to a boring generic trap beat that sounds like the demo setting on an 80's Casio. Drop some "truth" on us, Tom:

They call me offensive, controversial
There's only two genders, boys and girls

They can't cancel my message 'cause I'm the biggest independent rapper in the whole freaking world
Claim that I'm racist, yeah, alright
I'm not ashamed because I'm white

If every Caucasian's a bigot, I guess every Muslim's a terrorist, every liberal is right
I don't wanna talk to folks who don't get it (Tss)
Go woke, go broke, no hope, it's pathetic

Are you still awake? For a song called "Facts" there aren't any I could find here. Facts are more than opinions you learned by watching Fox News. Facts require reasoning and logic behind them to be valid facts, and putting the kind of tired grievance-ridden garbage Bill O'Reilly mumbles in his sleep to a wack ass trap beat doesn't make them facts.

After a minute or so of this just when you think it couldn't get worse, f-ing BEN SHAPIRO shows up to drop some of the lamest, whitest verses to ever appear on a "rap" song. The irony of wealthy white dudes using a black method of expression to ridicule black people (they really don't like BLM and make fun of blacks that like rap because they spend their money on strippers, apparently) obviously completely escapes them.

Shapiro, who is most notable for having a giant thread on Reddit devoted to "Stupid/Immoral Things I Have Said/Done", cannot rap. He mumble/speaks his way through his tired ass tirade and then it's back to the awfulness of the main track. You will be praying to go deaf by this point. 

I'm not providing a link to this car crash as I refuse to promote it, but you can find it easily on You Tube or online if you absolutely insist on watching it. It really embodies the perfect opposite of Taylor Swift: untalented, uncreative, calculated to outrage/offend just because, and created with an active disgust of everyone that does not share in its blindingly narrow moral stance. Taylor sez, you need to calm down.

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